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flexicurity definition

Es besteht aus drei Teilen: Flexibilität auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, soziale Sicherheit und eine aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik. English [] Etymology []. The European Commission (EC), in its 2007 communication Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity (1016Kb PDF), said flexicurity could be defined as an integrated strategy to enhance, at the same time, flexibility and security in the labour market. Campbell, J.A. In the European Commission's approach, flexicurity is about striking the right balance between flexible job arrangements and secure transitions between jobs, so that more and better jobs can be created. of the ESM as a politically constructed project: flexicurity as a concept fed by political proposals for joint EU solutions (Jepsen and Serrano Pascual 2005: 243). 10, No.2. Wilthagen, T. and F. Tros (2004) "The Concept of 'Flexicurity': a new approach to regulating employment and labour markets" in 'Flexicurity: Conceptual Issues and Political Implementation in Europe' Tanfer, European Review of labour and research, vol. Flexicurity, una sicurezza flessibile Il mercato globalizzato ha bisogno del lavoratore flessibile; il lavoratore flessibile ha bisogno di sostegni attivi e passivi, cioè, in una parola, di sicurezza. Workplace flexibility is a strategy that emphasizes being able and willing to adapt to changing circumstances when it comes to how work gets done. 1.2 Definition des Begriffs „Flexicurity“ Viele der in letzten Jahrzehnten stattgefundenen Reformen des Sozialstaates wurden durch von Land zu Land unterschiedliche politische Slogans wie „Keine Leistung ohne Gegenleistung“ (bzw. Det økonomiske sikkerhedsnet for arbejdstagerne og aktiverings- systemet ... anden definition, jf. The term Flexicurity 1 describes a labor market policy developed in Denmark that enhances national competitiveness. Ordet er en sammenskrivning af de engelske ord for fleksibilitet: Flexibilitet (Flexi) og tryghed: Security (curity). The European Employment Strategy (EES) called for labor market institutions to adopt flexicurity principles, and Guideline no. Flexicurity, betegnelse benyttet om den danske arbejdsmarkedsmodel, som er karakteriseret ved en høj grad af mobilitet mellem jobs (fleksibilitet), et fintmasket sikkerhedsnet for ledige (security) og en aktiv arbejdsmarkedspolitik, som … Forskning: Dansk flexicurity virker ikke. To meet the challenges, a reconsideration of the actual political philosophy is required, a paradigm shift (Degryse and Pochet 2009). EP - 14. A 2012 Eurofound report, Flexicurity: Actions at company level (373Kb PDF), examined actions at company level that could be classified as flexicurity measures, supporting young workers, older workers and women. The employment system in Denmark is built up around the so-called Danish flexicurity model which combines flexibility and security for the citizen. Downloadable! All this is done in a context of high minimum wage and high average wage, besides clear progressive taxation. Handbook of Labour Economics, Elsevier: Amsterdam. "[4] The Danish tripartite agreements amongst employers, workers, and the state are supported by an intricate system that allows for an active response from the state, which supports the 'activation' of workers. Timing in implementing flexicurity gets no appropriate attention, although its both components have very different operation in time. Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs (2005–2008), Office for Official Publication of the European Communities: Luxembourg. the aggregate Danish flexicurity model. Arbejdsløsheden var derfor kun på 2 % ved udgangen af 2008. (6) Flexicurity should support gender equality, by promoting equal access to quality employment for women and men and offering measures to reconcile work, family and private life. In the Commission’s Explanatory Memorandum to the proposed draft directive implementing the Agreement, the Commission emphasised that: …the social partners’ contribution is positive in itself in that it guarantees that consideration is given both to business competitiveness and to the interests of workers. Flexicurity is such a new concept in the academic and policy arena that no universally accepted definition exists. should follow the flexicurity approach, although the definition of the concept was so broad as to make the precise meaning unclear. flexicurity Definition | Deutsch Definitionen Wörterbuch. One possibility is to define flexicurity as ”social protection for flexible work forces” (cf. Flexicurity implies a balance between rights and responsibilities of all concerned. Fundet i bogen – Side 199The most important outcome of this analysis was the fact that we agreed with ETUC on our definition of flexicurity which is surprisingly close to the European Commission's definition. (Interview with Business Europe, November 2010) ... The Mission’s final report (198Kb PDF) was published in December 2008. SP - 10. Workplace flexibility meets the needs of both the business and its workers. the idea of easier to hire and fire contracts as well as 'functional flexibility', closely linked to the concept of 'knowledge society' or 'lifelong learning' (LLL), whereby the European workforce is being prepared for a changing working life, where only a multitude of skills (polivalency) will ensure employment (Crouch, 1999). criticizes flexicurity from ten viewpoints (European welfare state, working conditions, precariousness of work, trade unionist, with regard to the 2007-8 financial crisis, etc. Fundet i bogenEmpirically, the chapter focuses on the set of policy ideas and suggestions that the EU has developed in relation to flexicurity. The latter can be defined in a variety of ways. Here we adopt the European Commission's definition of the ... eine politische Strategie, die bewusst und synchron versucht, sowohl die Flexibilität der Arbeitsmärkte, der Arbeitsorganisation und der Arbeitsbeziehungen als auch die soziale Sicherheit zu erhöhen. + 353 1 2043100, Eurofound is an agency of the European Union. The results are not encouraging. In fact, 'atypical' labour contracts have been introduced in countries where employment protection legislation is or has been restrictive (e.g. In other words, a narrowly defined Ö Springer. Begrebet refererer til en arbejdsmarkedsmodel, der kombinerer fleksibilitet for arbejdsgiverne med flere former for sikkerhed for medarbejdere. Definition . Flexicurity og arbejdsløshedsunderstøttelse generelt 2.1 Flexicurity i forskellige varianter Den mest kendte flexicurity-model er en forståelsesramme af vigtige dele af det danske arbejdsmarkeds dynamik. Fundet i bogen – Side 143The term of “flexicurity” was defined by laundry list of authors, for example (Wilthagen, Tros, 2004) associated the initial concept of flexicurity with the Dutch Professor Hans Adriaansens, who started to use this term in his speeches ... Denn robuste Gegenstände lernen nicht von Schocks und halten einer Dauereinwirkung nicht immer stand. Useful? Kolla in uttalet, synonymer och grammatik. Kampen om flexicurity - Prisma Politica. Gennemse eksempler på oversættelse af flexicurity i sætninger, lyt til udtale, og lær om grammatik. EC (European Commission) (2007) "New EU report shows active labour policy can increase employment rate despite low growth". presented. Upon the adoption of the common principles of flexicurity, the Council called on the Member States to take them into account in drawing up and implementing "national flexicurity pathways". The inactive, the unemployed, those in undeclared work, in unstable employment, or at the margins of the labour market need to be provided with better opportunities, economic incentives and supportive measures for easier access to work or stepping-stones to assist progress into stable and legally secure employment. Wages and working conditions are based on collectively-negotiated agreements, and the government rarely interferes. Flexicurity am österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt: Eine Bestandsaufnahme zur aktuellen Umsetzung der eu- ... gen, die Definition(en) und die Wurzeln von Flexicurity ein. Contains analysis of, critical remarks on, and constructive suggestions to Towards common principles of Flexicurity of the European Commission (2007). Siden er glansbilledet falmet. The key breakthrough came towards the end of 2007, when the European Parliament endorsed a resolution called the Common Principles of Flexicurity on 29 November. (3) Flexicurity approaches are not about one single labour market or working life model, nor about a single policy strategy: they should be tailored to the specific circumstances of each Member State. lytical concept. flexicurity, and applying this definition to quantitatively investigate the related development in Europe. Schulze-Cleven T., B. Watson, and J. Zysman (2007) "How Wealthy Nations Can Stay Wealthy: Innovation and Adaptability in a Digital Era" New Political Economy, 12:4, 451–475. b) flexicurity as „social protection” and „deregulation policy” (Keller and Seifert, 2004)5, Klammer (2004, 2005), c) flexicurity by analogy with the Prague spring motto of „socialism with a human face" (metaphoric definition), flexicurity as „analytical concept” (instrumental High-quality and productive workplaces, good organisation of work, and continuous upgrading of skills are also essential. (2000) Why Deregulate Labour Markets? Flexicurity-modellen illustrerer i sin helhed rammerne for den samlede ar-bejdsstyrke. ge flexicurity-relevante forhold. flexicurity, and applying this definition to quantitatively characterize three viewpoints: of neo-liberals, of European welfarism, and of trade unions. [5] Although some believed that the natural unemployment rate had simply increased, the Danish government sought to improve the situation by implementing what came to be called the flexicurity model. The term refers to the combination of labour market flexibility[1] in a dynamic economy and security for workers. Beispiele Stamm. JO - Social Politik. The term was first coined by the social democratic Prime Minister of Denmark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen in the 1990s.. The beginning of the workers movement was held in England 1833. The flexicurity model, first implemented in Denmark in the 1990s, is a combination of easy hiring and firing providing flexibility for employers, and high benefits for the unemployed providing security for the employees. Information and translations of flexicurity in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The term was first coined by the social democratic Prime Minister of Denmark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen in the 1990s. Sie beschränkte sich daher auf die Definition einiger Komponenten erfolgreicher Flexicurity-Politiken, die in die Beschäftigungspolitik eines jeden Landes einbezogen werden können, ohne die dem Konzept zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien zu … A welfare state model with a proactive labour market policy, combining easy hiring and firing (flexibility for employers) and high benefits for the unemployed (security for the employees). It settled the freedom of trade union association as well as the managerial prerogative to manage and divide the work including the right to hire and dismiss the labour force at any time necessary. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2001) or as the “normalization of atypical work” (Wilthagen 2005). flexicurity (English) Origin & history Blend of flexibility and security, coined by Danish prime minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen in the 1990s. Fundet i bogen – Side 64It outlines the following mutually reinforcing principles which must underlie flexicurity strategies. ... Clasen (2009) conclude that, despite attempts at clarification and definition, the concept of flexicurity has remained ambiguous. With regards to the future role of the collective bargaining system in the further development of flexicurity, two aspects must be highlighted. Fundet i bogen – Side 15The flexicurity definition we presented earlier has also been used in the Commission's 2006 and 2007 'Employment in Europe' reports (see Chapter 2, EC, 2006 and Chapter 3, EC, 2007). Though slightly rephrased, this theoretical ... (2009) "2009 Tax Misery & Reform Index" Forbes Magazine. 2. National Identity and a variety of Capitalism: The Case of Denmark, McGill University Press: Montreal. Crouch, C. (1999) Social Change in Western Europe, Oxford University Press: Oxford. Lohnersatzrate. 1 APRIL 2015 – DANSK FLEXICURITY UNDER PRES 5 Dansk fl exicurity under pres – både indefra og udefra Den danske fl exicurity-model fremstod i årene op til den økonomiske krise som en rollemodel for samspillet mellem et fl eksibelt arbejdsmarked og velfærdsstatens sikkerhedsnet. Fundet i bogen – Side 3Nach einer Betrachtung des Forschungsstandes zu dieser Frage folgt eine genauere Definition des „Flexicurity“-Begriffs, auf dessen Basis nachfolgend sowohl die Situation des dänischen Königreichs bzw. der BRD vor und nach den Reformen, ... Fundet i bogen – Side 152Flexicurity is defined as “ an integrated strategy to enhance , at the same time , flexibility and security in the labour market ' ( European Commission , 2007b ) . It can therefore be argued that the main difference between the ... Secondly, flexicurity must also include disadvantaged groups on the labour market, In recent years, Danes have been consistently ranked as the happiest nation on Earth, which has in part been attributed to aspects of Denmark's flexicurity model.[12]. in P. Klemmer and R. Wink (Eds.) The notion of flexicurity was introduced in the 1990s to promote a better job security and social security of atypically employed (other than permanent full-time). Fundet i bogenSome of the changes in the flexicurity definition were proposed by the Commission (see the Commission's proposal in Council 2015a). Other suggestions came from the Employment Committee (EMCO) and Social Policy Committee (SPC), ... Definition i ordbogen dansk. dem Prinzip der „Rechte und Pflichten“, Dänemark), „Welfare-to-work“ (USA und Großbritannien) oder „Fördern und Fordern“ (Deutschland) geprägt. Fredag d. 28. flexicurity translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'felicity',flexure',flex',fleuret', examples, definition, conjugation 8 Flexicurity as flexibility–security trade-offs Wilthagen and Tros (2004, p. 169) define flexicurity as follows: Definition 1. Fundet i bogen – Side 125This list of eight common principles of flexicurity was endorsed by the Social Affairs Ministers on 5/6 December ... Principle 2 includes the four-part definition of flexicurity, closely resembling the one brought forward by the ... Den har fått uppmärksamhet genom kombinationen av ett relativt svagt anställningsskydd tillsammans med generösa inkomstrygghetssystem och aktiva arbetsmarknadssystem för sysselsättning (Madsen, 2004, s189). It should also aim at a fair distribution of costs and benefits, especially between businesses, public authorities and individuals, with particular attention to the specific situation of SMEs. Recognising the principle of a "no size fits for all" the European Commissions advocated for a progressive implementation of national, tailor-made, flexicurity strategies in all EU Member States supported by mutual learning, along the lines of commonly agreed principles. Fundet i bogen – Side 341Flexicurity with little security The Lisbon Strategy documents have increasingly made references to the concept of'flexicurity' as an ... But a closer look at the use ofthe concept indicates a change in the definition from its original. What does FLEXICURITY mean? Such an uncoordinated policy gives employers good chances to gain time and to make things irreversible. I Danmark er vores arbejdsmarked indrettet sådan, at det både sikrer virksomhederne fleksibel arbejdskraft og medarbejderne rimelige vilkår. [3] The 'Constitution' was revised in 1960 and renamed Basic Agreement. Flexibility is about developing flexible work organisations where people can combine their work and private responsibilities; where they can keep their training up-to-date; and where they can potentially have flexible working hours. flexitarian definition: 1. a person who eats mainly vegetarian food but eats meat occasionally 2. a person who eats mainly…. It is also about giving both employers and employees a more flexible environment for changing jobs. In particular, the Guideline No.21 of the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Employment (adopted by the European Council and setting the objectives for the periods 2005-2008 and 2008–2010) calls on Member States to "…promote flexibility combined with employment security and reduce labour market segmentation, having due regard to the role of the social partners".[13]. flexicurity, and applying this definition to quantitatively investigate the related development in Europe. The term flexibility effectively encompasses two different models, on the one hand 'numerical flexibility', i.e. The Danish flexicurity model has its roots in the nineteenth century, when negotiations among employers and trade unions during the so-called September Compromise of 1899 (also called Labour Market Constitution) laid the ground for a mutually beneficial (profitable and secure) state. Fundet i bogen – Side 65Social Affairs Commissioner Spǐdla thus used 'flexicurity' as a catchword that could possess both vague and flexible meanings. ... Notwithstanding the fact that interviewees and interviewers did not know the meaning of 'flexicurity', ... In early 2006, the Commission formulated a definition of flexicurity including four “components”: “flexible and reliable contractual arrangements, effective active labor market policies, comprehensive lifelong learning strategies and modern social security systems”. noun flexicurity a welfare-state model, originating in Denmark in the 1990s, that combines labour-market flexibility, social security, and a proactive labour market 0; noun flexicurity A welfare state model with a proactive labour market policy, combining easy hiring and firing (flexibility for employers) and high benefits for the unemployed (security for the employees). flexicurity definition, we are presuming that there is only one path towards flexicurity, which goes against the argument put forward by CEC in its 2007 document, which puts forward the idea of "different pathways" (CEC 2007b). Styrelsen for Arbejdsmarked og Rekruttering tilbyder forskellige it-løsninger, som kan hjælpe dig i din jobsøgning, og vi har ansvar for en række indsatser, ordninger og offentlige ydelser. Flexicurity: towards a definition of the concept Flexicurity is, indeed, a very catchy term and therefore in need of further definition in order to apply it in policy-making and the study thereof. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Support should be available to all those in employment to remain employable, progress and manage transitions both in work and between jobs. In December 2007, the Council adopted eight common principles of flexicurity: In February 2008, the Commission underlined its commitment to flexicurity by announcing the setting up of a Mission for Flexicurity. Fundet i bogen – Side 46The reports defined flexicurity as “a high level of employment security, that is the possibility to easily find a job at ... As the definition makes clear, the goal of flexicurity is not to foster a continuous job with a particular ... Fundet i bogen – Side 50There is some disagreement, however, concerning the precise meaning of the concept. ... of capitalism approach suggests that Denmark's somewhat hybrid flexicurity model exemplifies the latter definition of institutional complementarity. The paradox of a dynamic labour market in a Scandinavian welfare state" in J.L. The Mission also had the objective of promoting the exchange of good practice and mutual learning between Member States. To monitor effects of flexicurity policies in Europe, flexicurity indicators are constructed. (2000) "Going Different Ways: Labour Market Policies in Denmark and Sweden" in G. Esping-Andersen and M. Regini (Eds.) -geographic flexicurity -two problems: 1st problem: youth unemployment (18-25 years old), unemployment for younger because the older stay in employment because of life expectancies, where employers prefere older experienced that younger unexperienced flexicurity. The flexicurity indices for European countries for the recent years are derived from several types of data available form the OECD, European Commission, and Eurostat. Flexicurity (a portmanteau of flexibility and security) is a welfare state model with a pro-active labour market policy. Flexicurity featured prominently in the commission's response to the crisis, in the European Economic Recovery Plan of November 2008 and its follow up Communication "Driving economic recovery" of March 2009. Selv under finanskrisen nåede den ikke op … Mogens Lykketoft (S) skyder skylden på den tidligere regering. Pedersen (Eds.) Eurofound’s recent work reflects the on-going importance of flexicurity in the social policy debate. The definition of flexicurity in Dictionary is as: A welfare state model with a proactive labour market policy, combining easy hiring and firing and high benefits for the unemployed . (5) Internal (within the enterprise) as well as external flexicurity are equally important and should be promoted. Basing on methodological and empirical analysis, a dedicated monograph[15] 2. The Danish employment system's combination of flexibility and security is often described as a ‘golden triangle’. Flaschel and Griener's Flexicurity Capitalism provides serious discussion and feasible mathematical models to provide a basic framework for a "flexicurity" economic system--labor market reform that combines flexibility in the hiring and ... "[14] Fundet i bogen – Side 172Flexicurity has been defined as “ a political strategy that tries , in a synchronous and coordinated fashion , to increase on the one hand flexibility in the labour market , the organisation of labour and employment relationships ... Flexicurity er imidlertid idag under et stærkt pres fra den globale konkurrence og er ved at blive afløst af mobication, hvor fokus er blevet forskudt til at sikre arbejdskraftens mobilitet og uddannelse. Flexicurity er en sammenstilling af flexibility og security (tryghed). Antifragile Systeme ,,mögen” Stress. flexicurity (uncountable) Dette betyder, at man fra politisk side prioriterer at holde arbejdsstyrken fagligt opdateret og sikrer vejledning og jobtilbud til ledige. Juni 2007), war sie sich dieses Problems bewusst. The Government of Denmark views flexicurity as entailing a “golden triangle” with a “three-sided mix of flexibility in the labour market combined with social security and an active labour market policy with rights and obligations for the unemployed”. Downloadable! While public authorities retain an overall responsibility, the involvement of social partners in the design and implementation of flexicurity policies through social dialogue and collective bargaining is of crucial importance. Flexicurity is based on a century of co-operation. This page was last edited on 28 February 2021, at 13:22. The given paper suggests an operational definition of flexicurity which implies the corresponding flexicurity index. (Goul Andersen 2005, s.1) Men det virker som om flexicurity-modellen giver en række svar på de The idea is that flexibility and security should not be seen as opposites but as complementary. Aktiv arbejdsmarkedspolitik. ^ The term flexibility effectively encompasses two different models, on the one hand 'numerical flexibility', i.e. However, recent developments suggest that social partners, along with the Commission, were moving towards an interpretation which was acceptable to all parties. Please note: the European industrial relations dictionary is updated annually. Flexicurity og arbejdsløshedsunderstøttelse generelt 2.1 Flexicurity i forskellige varianter Den mest kendte flexicurity-model er en forståelsesramme af vigtige dele af det danske arbejdsmarkeds dynamik. The concept Flexicurity describes a labor market policy that enhances national competitiveness. Flexicurity Flexicurity er et begreb, der etymologisk består i en sammenlægning af de to engelske ord, flexi for og se curity. Fundet i bogen – Side 10After the flexicurity advanages / disadvantages have been accounted proportionally to the size of the affected groups , the factual ... The definition remained actual and was used three years later by Wilthagen and Tros ( 2004 , p . The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) in particular rejected the claim that job security needed to be replaced by employment security. Flexicurity (a portmanteau of flexibility and security) is a welfare state model with a pro-active labour market policy. Flexicurity is designed and implemented across four policy components: 1 flexible and reliable contractual arrangements; 2 comprehensive lifelong learning strategies; 3 effective active labour market policies; and 4 modern social security systems providing adequate income support during employment transitions. Fundet i bogen – Side 52He defined flexicurity as a shift from job security towards employment security and suggested compensating the decrease of job security due to fewer permanent jobs and easier dismissals by improving employment opportunities and social ... Download Free Economics Chapter 1 And 2 Test Labour Market', in Frank Wilkinson (ed. Fundet i bogen – Side 171Yet, despite their extensive use in political discourse, both concepts, flexicurity and the eSM, have remained fuzzy and vague. This chapter therefore starts with a definition of the meaning of both concepts. temporary work). Stamme. In the article they defined flexicurity as: ...(1) a degree of job, employment, income and ‘combination’ security that facilitates the labour market careers and biographies of workers with a relatively weak position and allows for enduring and high quality labour market participation and social inclusion, while at the same time providing (2) a degree of numerical (both external and internal), functional and wage flexibility that allows for labour markets’ (and individual companies’) timely and adequate adjustment to changing conditions in order to enhance competitiveness and productivity. De nordiske landes konkurrencedygtighed – Fra flexicurity til mobication Centerleder, Lektor Søren Kaj Andersen. Based on the common principles, each Member State should develop its own flexicurity arrangements. The term refers to the combination of labour market flexibility [1] in a dynamic economy and security for workers.. Centre for Labour Market Research at Aalborg University (CARMA), FLEXICURITY: Economic Miracle or Social Draw Back? Definition. Sonja Bekker, Ton Wilthagen, Per Kongshoj Madsen, Jianping Zhou, Ralf Rogowski, Maarten Keune, Andranik Tangian (2008). Hall, O.K. (7) Flexicurity requires a climate of trust and broadly-based dialogue among all stakeholders, where all are prepared to take the responsibility for change with a view to socially balanced policies. 1. Flexicurity Den danske model er kendetegnet ved en særlig kombination af fleksibilitet og sikkerhed. flexicurity. Mere fleksibilitet for arbejdsgivere, fx lettere adgang til at afskedige medarbejdere, reducerer lønmodtagernes jobsikkerhed – og omvendt. Fundet i bogen – Side 92But a closer look at the use of the concept indicates that the definition used differs from its original meaning. Flexicurity has been associated especially with the Danish and Dutch labour market institutional set-ups. Firstly, flexibility and security must be the result of deliberate and coordinated efforts, rather the one of isolate initiatives or chance. (1) Flexicurity is a means to reinforce the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy, create more and better jobs, modernise labour markets, and promote good work through new forms of flexibility and security to increase adaptability, employment and social cohesion. In our view flexicurity represents a policy strategy that can be defined as follows: It also notes that integrated flexicurity policies play a key role in modernising labour markets and contributing to the achievement of the 75% employment rate target set by the Europe 2020 Strategy. Denmark currently has high taxation rates[11] which in part pay for generous social benefits. ge flexicurity-relevante forhold. English Etymology. Fundet i bogen – Side 158Flexicurity - one idea , but different approaches geared towards combining flexibility and security The realisation that combining ... At the same time , though , there is no standard international definition of " flexicurity " . Fundet i bogen – Side 127In the first section of this chapter, we have already given the definition in which flexicurity is seen as a policy concept. This definition of enhancing both flexibility and security in a coordinated way is broadly cited in the ... Information and Communication Technologies, Impact of COVID-19 on young people in the EU, What just happened? It is important to recognize that the flexicurity concept has been developed in countries with high wages, besides clear progressive taxation, as in for example, Denmark. Fundet i bogen – Side 215Moreover, the concept is ambiguous and difficult to define, making it easy for different actors and organizations to adapt to their own interpretations and interests. This vagueness of the concept probably explains why flexicurity ... Firstly, the ever-expanding decentralisation has led to more autonomy in plant-level bar-gaining. Fundet i bogen – Side 15As a result, the idea of flexicurity gained momentum, especially at the EU level, with the publication of a ... concept was defined in much broader terms to include, for instance, aspects related to work–family reconciliation, ... The right of association and the recognition of labour market associations are based on the mutual recognition of conflicting interests. The relevance of flexicurity to tackle modern labour market challenges has also been recognised by the representatives of social partners at a transnational European level, by European Trade Union Confederation and BusinessEurope.

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