In this collection Fro¨ ding introduces the image of the Holy Grail, which represents the lost ability to hold all of reality in a single vision. Gengangere (1881; Ghosts, 1885) scandalized theatergoers because Ibsen discussed such delicate matters as syphilis and euthanasia. Sja˚vik, Jan. ‘‘Language and Myth in Dag Solstad’s Arild Asnes, 1970.’’ Pacific Coast Philology 18 (1983): 30–36. Joensen, Leyvoy. Willumsen has written several historical novels. Vesaas wrote Huset i mørkret (1945; tr. His literary debut was the short story collection Taustigen (1948; The Rope Ladder), in which he focused on the conflict between expectations and quotidian reality. The Danish police have a hard time accepting this explanation, however, which shows that Jakobsdo´ttir was not entirely lost in the fantastic. The Improvisatore, 1845) became a great success. Some of Sandemose’s most productive years were spent at a small farm named Kjørkelvik, where he published a magazine for which he wrote all of the content, A˚ rstidene (1951–1955; The Seasons). In 1944 Iceland became politically independent for the first time in almost seven centuries, and the publication of Laxness’s trilogy ´I slandsklukkan (1943–1946; Iceland’s Bell) coincided with this event. Kjerlighedens Gjerninger (1847; tr. The heyday of this type of writing in Scandinavia was the period 1900–1940, and the Jutland novels of Jeppe Aakjær are its outstanding example. Creating Place in O. E. Rølvaag’s Giants in the Earth.’’ Great Plains Quarterly 23 (2003): 245–59. O presents the autobiographical impulse as essentially creative. Ships sailed from Europe to West Africa loaded with weaponry and other goods, then continued to the Americas with a cargo of slaves, and then returned to Europe with a load of sugar. But Wergeland’s personal life was too undisciplined and disorderly for him to be given a living, and he was plagued by financial problems. 1 (1985): 82–90. ‘‘Search for the Self: Aesthetics and Sexual Identity in the Early Works of Johannes V. Jensen and Thit Jensen.’’ Scandinavica 24 (1985): 17–34. Jakobsson had his literary debut with the novel Tæmdur bikar (1951; Emptied Cup), which was generally thought to be an immature piece of work; it was published when the author was only 17 years old. He published only a single volume, Kanervala (1866; Where the Heath Grows), but left many more poems in manuscript. Bregendahl’s major work is a suite of seven shorter narratives that were later published in two volumes with the collective title Sødalsfolkene (1935, originally published 1914–1923; The People of Sødal), in which preindustrial rural culture is portrayed. Avriel H. Goldberger and Germaine Bre´e. ‘‘Double-Voiced Discourse in Thorkild Hansen’s Jens Munk.’’ Scandinavian Studies 66 (1994): 533–51. Knut Hamsun. A Norwegian poet, novelist, playwright, and journalist, Grieg first published a volume of poetry, Rundt Kap det gode Haab (1922; Around the Cape of Good Hope), which was followed by a novel, Skibet gaar videre (1924; tr. ´ LK. Stockholm: Alvqvist and Wiksell, 1964. ................. 15828$ PAGE 325 BIBL 02-27-06 11:00:44 PS 326 • BIBLIOGRAPHY Stevens, Patrick J., ed. It is built on Frobenius’s play Mikromani (Micromania), which was performed, without much success, at the National Theater in Oslo in January 2003. . ‘‘Jersild’s Humpty-Dumpty Darwin.’’ Scandinavian Studies 72 (2000): 261–78. See also ALMQVIST, CARL JONAS LOVE. Garton, Janet. In his drama Fadren (1887; tr. Sarah Death and Helena Forsa˚s-Scott. Dødsvariasjonar (2002; Variations on Death) is yet another play about loneliness and features a family of three: father, mother, and daughter. –O– OBRESTAD, TOR (1938–). Emperor and Galilean, 1876). The second volume, which presents the aesthetic sphere, bears the title Det er svært at dø i Dieppe (1985; tr. Forssell has reached a large audience with his less serious poetry, found in the volume Snurra min jord och andra visor (1958; Spin, My Earth, and Other Songs). ‘‘Herman Bang’s ‘Franz Pander’: Narcissism, Self, and the Nature of the Unspoken.’’ Scandinavian Studies 62 (1990): 449–67. The narrator is a young man who abandons his girlfriend because he realizes that marriage is incompatible with his artistic aspirations. In France, Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu (1689– 1755) had emphasized the significance of geographic location and climate to the development of a nation’s culture. Both works were influenced by the ideas of national romanticism as well as those of the Dane N. F. S. Grundtvig, for Bjørnson wanted to show that contemporary Norwegian peasants were the natural heirs of the greatness of their ancient forbears. In the novel Levema˚der (2004; Ways of Living), a budding writer is portrayed as working on a book that seems identical to Levema˚der. The Sybil, 1958) has as its protagonist Ahasuerus, of the legend of the Wandering Jew, who tries to understand why God has cursed him with the inability to die. The Tree of the Folkungs, 1925) gives an idealized account of the rise of Sweden. Stockholm: Royal Library, 1963–2005. Pages, Neil Christian. Don˜a Quixote and Other Citizens; Gold of Ophir, 1995); this book is a collection of short stories which share the same protagonist, an eccentric woman living in a city. The novel Miehen tie (1932; A Man’s Road) portrays sex in a manner that borders on vitalism. Sigurd Hoel’s novels from the 1920s and 1930s also show evidence of Marxist thinking, as do the works of Martin Andersen Nexø, in which the history of the Danish labor movement figures prominently. A case in point is Villy Sørensen (1929–2001), who in his essay collections Den gyldne middelvej (1979; The Golden Mean) and Demokratiet og kunsten (1988; Democracy and Art) argued that human life can best flourish at some distance from both radical socialism and dogmatic capitalism, a standpoint he had consistently advocated throughout the 1960s and 1970s. ................. 15828$ PAGE xvii CHRN 02-27-06 11:00:17 PS xviii • CHRONOLOGY 1928 Finnish writer Aino Kallas publishes Sudenmorsian. A Norwegian novelist, Brantenberg is considered Norway’s foremost representative of feminist les- ................. 15828$ PAGE 27 $CH1 02-27-06 11:00:41 PS 28 • BREGENDAHL, MARIE bian literature. While following the procedures of the Malleus Maleficarum, a manual that describes how to detect witches, the cardinal’s minions work to get rid of his enemies. When We Dead ................. 15828$ PAGE 261 $CH1 02-27-06 11:02:03 PS 262 • THEATER Awaken, 1900) shows that an excessive commitment to art can be equally destructive. Kjøp ikke Dondi (1958; tr. ———. With very little education, he took whatever work he could find as a young man. The Song of the Red Ruby, 1961), which present the character Ask Burlefot and his various erotic escapades. His literary debut was a collection of prose and poetry entitled Blindsker (1921; Submerged Rock), the stories of which have the Icelandic coast as their setting. BRANDES, GEORG (1842–1927). See also BJØRNVIG, THORKILD; CLAUSSEN, SOPHUS; EKMAN, KERSTIN; HAMSUN, KNUT; HEIBERG, JOHAN LUDVIG; HJARTARSON, SNORRI; LEINO, EINO; MARTINSON, HARRY; VON SCHOULTZ, SOLVEIG. Maria Gripe, Swedish writer of children’s books, begins her series of novels about Hugo and Josephine with Josefin. PELLE THE CONQUEROR. They hibernate during the winter, but during the rest of the year they are active, and at times they travel considerably. Bra¨ nnvinsfursten (1979; The Liquor Prince) gives a historical slant to his criticism, while Skra¨mmer dig minuten (1981; Are You Frightened by This Moment) is a satirical novel about marriage. Ufarlige historier (1955; tr. Many of them have their origin in printed texts owned and sung by the nobility; later these texts entered popular culture. Some of these were such chamber plays as Ova¨der (1906; tr. Egen spis (1948; A Stove of One’s Own) contrasts the pursuit of social and material ambition with true caring for others. An Icelandic historian, Snorri is the greatest man of letters in medieval Iceland. Gu1mundsson, Halldo´r. ................. 15828$ PAGE 307 BIBL 02-27-06 11:00:33 PS 308 • BIBLIOGRAPHY Phillips, Patrick. The wife in the play, Johanna, is married to a man who drinks up the money she brought into the marriage and steals the cloth she has contracted to produce for two women of the middle class, who, as a matter of ................. 15828$ PAGE 33 $CH1 02-27-06 11:00:44 PS 34 • CARPELAN, BO course, abuse her when she is unable to deliver it because of her husband’s irresponsibility. Other titles are Fugle og frøer (1969; Birds and Seeds), Fanden til forskel (1978; One Hell of a Difference), and Blykuglen (1984; The Lead Bullet). The drama Anna Sophie Hedvig (1939; tr. Life, Letters, and Posthumous Works of Fredrika Bremer. Kielland was not much of a dramatist, but he wrote several light and entertaining plays, including Tre Par (1886; tr. The movement found its first full expression in the work of the Dane ................. 15828$ PAGE 221 $CH1 02-27-06 11:01:52 PS 222 • RUNEBERG, JOHAN LUDVIG Adam Oehlenschla¨ ger, while the poetic drama Lycksalighetens o¨ (1824–1827; The Isle of Bliss) by the Swede Per Daniel Amadeus Atterbom is recognized as its greatest Swedish manifestation. But his 11 volumes of Myter (1907–1944; Myths) have been more durable expressions of his ideas, especially as work preparatory to his great six-volume cycle of novels, Den lange Rejse (1908–1922; tr. Prince, 1999) goes further than most of the others, however, in that its narrator is a ghost. In the short story collection I Brokiga Blads vatten (1999; In Brokiga Blad’s Water), Lindgren’s satire is mixed with humor and directed against such varied subjects as politics, mass-produced art, and uxoriousness. The Difficult Hour, 1961) and Himlens hemlighet (1919; tr. The story would be told in great detail, as in the short story by the Norwegian writer Amalie Skram entitled ‘‘Karens jul’’ (1885; Karen’s Christmas), in which an unwed teenage mother and her baby freeze to death in Christiania (now Oslo) a couple of days before Christmas. A Finnish novelist, short story writer, and playwright, Waltari grew up in Helsinki and re- ................. 15828$ PAGE 280 $CH1 02-27-06 11:02:07 PS WALTARI, MIKA TOIMI • 281 ceived a degree in philosophy from Helsinki University. Johnson, Walter. Mykle’s major works are the two novels Lasso rundt fru Luna (1954; tr. Elmer Diktonius Larsson, Jo¨rgen. Flugten til Amerika (1835; tr. 10. In Opbrudd (1936; tr. One of Life’s Slaves, 1895). srl. Five Plays. The protagonist in Herr Arnes penningar (1903; tr. 1915), a satire on learning for its own sake. This theme becomes increasingly important in Havets stja¨ rna (1906; The Ocean’s Star) and Dithyramber i aftonglans (1906; Dithyrambs in Evening Splendor). Her breakthrough as a poet came with Nattlig a¨ng (1949; Nocturnal Meadow), and some of her other collections are Na¨tet (1956; The Net), Terrassen (1959; The Terrace), De fyra flo¨ jtspelarna (1975; The Four Flautists), and Ett sa¨ tt att ra¨kna tiden (1989; A Way to Count Time). Heinesen’s examples of the genre are Blæsende Gry (1934; Windswept Dawn) and Noatun (1938; tr. A large collection of these kinds of tales bears the title Winterkva¨llar (1880–1897; Winter Evenings). The Tragedy of Love, 1921) explore the tension between erotic love and everyday reality. Similar techniques are found in the work of the Danish novelists Peter Høeg (1957–) and Ib Michael (1945–). ———. New York: Twayne, 1974. ‘‘The One Who Sees: The Icelandic Writer Thor Vilhjalmsson.’’ Books Abroad 47 (1973): 54–59. ‘‘The Dangerous Age: Karin Michae¨lis and the Politics of Menopause.’’ Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 21 (1992): 491– 504. A related issue was the cultural question of whether the new nation should emphasize the creative potential of the indigenous population, particularly the farmers, or foster continuity with the literary culture of Denmark, the political union which had been severed in ................. 15828$ PAGE 286 $CH1 02-27-06 11:02:09 PS WERGELAND, HENRIK ARNOLD • 287 1814. She was also a central figure in the group Tankebyggarorden (The Order of Thought Builders), which worked to promote Swedish literary and intellectual life. The novel Menneske og maktene (1938; tr. Strange Stories, 1956), in which he offers an absurd and humorous vision of modern life. He continues to produce live shows. A couple of plays from the 1840s also show that Oehlenschla¨ger eventually caught on to the need to provide a more nuanced psychological portrayal of his characters. ................. 15828$ PAGE 238 $CH1 02-27-06 11:01:56 PS ¨ DERBERG, HJALMAR • SO 239 Doctor Glas, 1970). At issue were the related questions of whether political power in Norway should rest with the upper middle class, consisting mostly of government servants, large land owners, and merchants, or if it should be shared with farmers and other previously disenfranchised groups. A History of Swedish Literature. Wells, Marie. ‘‘Escape from the Novel: Cora Sandel’s Kranes konditori.’’ Scandinavian Studies 72 (2000): 181–98. His work with the Argus gave Dalin an important position in Swedish society and letters. Selected Poems. Se film både fra vores hjemmeside og apps på Smart TV, Apple TV, tablet, mobil og PlayStation. Poems and Songs, 1915). Whereto?). Lo¨nnrot used mostly traditional songs, but he arranged them in a sequence of his own making and occasionally composed segments himself. Starting with the Dane Adam Oehlenschla¨ger, national romanticism became a major force in Scandinavia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. EKELUND, VILHELM (1880–1949). Wa¨gner’s last novel, Vinden va¨ nde bladen (1947; The Wind Turned the Leaves), spans nearly a thousand years of Va¨rmland history and offers matriarchy as a remedy for the social ills created by men. 1885). Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973. So¨dergran stayed in St. Petersburg for the school year, but during the summer the family lived in the little Karelian town of Raivola. They had no access to higher education and were expected to spend their lives as wives and mothers. New York: Columbia University Press, 1914. The trilogy gives an overview of the growth of Helsinki from 1870 to 1935. Thematically, Gyllembourg’s stories anticipate the debate about women’s position in the family and in society that became common in Scandinavian literature in the 1870s. Geijer started out as a cultural and political conservative. One of the finest Norwegian stylists of his generation, Fosnes Hansen has also written Underveis: Et Portrett av Prinsesse Ma¨rtha Louise (2003; En Route: A Portrait of Princess Ma¨rtha Louise). A Swedish novelist and playwright, Bergman was strongly influenced by Freudianism and wrote with great psychological insight but with a very pessimistic view of life. ‘‘Aladdin’s Shadow: On Henrik Pontoppidan’s LykkePer.’’ Scandinavian Studies 59 (1987): 28–45. Both/And: Reading Kierkegaard from Irony to Edification. First, she asks, does the text represent ‘‘a new way of thinking about the world’’? Its narrator-protagonist is the same Gabriel Gram who appears in both Mannfolk and Hjaa ho Mor. Spring Tide, 1989), which adhered to this development in Tafdrup’s theory of poetry, became a critical success. Sprinchorn, Evert. Another great Finnish war novel is Va¨ino¨ Linna’s Tuntematon Sotilas (1954; tr. BathSheba of Saarenmaa, 1934), was successfully adapted as an opera. Although fragments of such poetry have been preserved in runic inscriptions (the term ‘‘runes’’ refers to an alphabet with letters that were designed to be easily cut into stone or wood), most of this body of poetry is preserved in manuscripts that originated in 13th-century Iceland, and Icelandic sagas from the same period seem to reflect the existence of an ancient oral prose tradition. Swedish writer Vilhelm Ekelund publishes Havets stja¨rna. The protagonist, Signe, appears on two narrative levels, as a 13-year-old girl and as a 30-year-old mother of a small child. ‘‘Fruits of Reading.’’ Books from Finland 4 (1998): 272–76. The women’s question is a good example. The baby is stillborn and Tora buries it, thus keeping her secret. The poems in Lille Verden: Digte (1942; Little World: Poems) are similar to those in Pigesind, but some of the critics—particularly male critics—looked down their noses at them because they did not adhere to the formal ideals of modernism, which started to manifest itself in Danish literature at this time.
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