No investigation of crime on the part of the government. It was prohibited first in France in 1934, then in the USA in 1937, under the pressure of puritan lobbies and chemical industries. Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution, Harper & Row, San Francisco 1980, Mumford, Lewis: Mythos der Maschine, Frankfurt a. M. 1977, Fischer (The Myth of the Machine 1967-1970), Murphy, Mike: Films “Why in the World are they Spraying?” and “What in the World are they Spraying?” (YouTube, 2012, 2014), Neslen, Arthur: US scientists launch world’s biggest solar geoengineering study, in: The Guardian, 24.3.2017, O’Leary, Brian: The Turquoise Revolution. We then see accumulated and interrelated effects that are falling back on Earth (ESA, 2015; Weizenbaum in 1998 already talked about similar effects referring to computer systems and their fatal synergies in the future). On his part, Jacob Darwin Hamblin in his book, Arming Mother Nature (2013) argues that military planning for World War III created the catastrophic environmentalism: The idea that human activity might cause global natural disasters… searching for ways to harness natural processes to kill millions of people. The world corporate power embodied by the WBCSD and the global conservatism movement personified by IUCN[30] are the two consortiums that control in last instance the non-profit industrial complex in regards to the climate change/climate emergency movements pushing for a Green New Deal, New Climate Economy, Capital Coalition, and New Deal for Nature. Desiring also to contribute to the strengthening of trust among nations and to the further improvement of the international situation in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. The reason is to be found in aircraft contrails, an involuntary geoengineering operation. [14] Michel Odent – « L’Amour Scientifié », 2001, Jouvence Publishing, Thonon-France, and other works. This has been an effective tool to ridicule those researchers and the public who do not accept the deceptive propaganda that is dished out to the masses. Basically, the dogma has remained unchanged: reasoning only on facts and finding in facts themselves the causes of their existence. Maria Heibel was born in Limburg Germany. Riskante Waffe gegen den Klimawandel, Harvard University: Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program Launches Spring 2017, Washington 24 March 2017, Heerd, Ulrich (Ed. Climate mouthpieces had been carefully chosen—the IPCC, geoengineers David Keith and Ken Caldeira, other prestigious PhDs, embedded NGOs, government agencies, the World Bank and IMF, and of course the usual Wall Street-London-Hong Kong deep pockets. Few days before the Madrid Climate Summit, to soften its anticipated failure, the EU adopted express resolutions for Climate Emergency through the European Parliament. The Charter, by the way, was non-binding, but the “Green Economy” made its entrance through the main door. The same allegedly “green” policies are also central for the concepts of the “Great Reset” in the 21st century, propagated by the “World Economic Forum” (WEF) and its leader, Klaus Schwab, in Davos (Schwab & Malleret 2020). Within 10 years, CO2 has become the scapegoat, the non-problem to divert our focus and conceal the fact that warming is due to the use of electromagnetic weapons such as HAARP. The whole mass media sounding board has been resonating with alarming messages for years now. It’s corrupt in many ways, in that scientists and academics have handed over to the editors of these journals the ability to make judgment on science and scientists. It is secreted by an old brain structure, the hypothalamus, stored in the back-pituitary gland and released in the bloodstream on certain occasions[16]. Major achievements. Like NASA, the EPA does not appear to be what it seems. Intensive breeding is an unwanted and unseen issue. Women themselves ended up thinking their own skills were loathsome, and the rich ones abandoned breastfeeding to their slaves. In order to go on with capitalism, therefore, it has to be reduced to a minority-project, insofar as production and consumption of limited resources are concerned, because otherwise it would necessarily fail in the near future. But what you and the others need to know if you really want to be a movement conscious of your responsibility for Mother Earth and not against her, that knowledge exists! [3] Multimedia Encyclopedia 1996 and 1998. These involved the shift of national regulatory powers to vast regional authorities; the opening of all remaining closed national economies to multinational interests; the strengthening of decision making structures far above and far below the grasp of newly minted national democracies; and, above all, the integration of the Soviet and Chinese … into the global market system.” In reference to the interview made to Maurice Strong, she adds: As our interview makes clear, Strong knew that the Rio Summit was aimed to destroy the sovereign nation-state republic. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia. Collective actions – to which I make reference in the end — that are a priority here and now with which we resist in our daily struggles without ever fully trusting institutional support, and which continue to emerge in spite of death-embedded interests infiltrated into our communities to exterminate life. It did not allow the European Parliament to draw conclusions from the investigation of the effects of the HAARP-installation, defining it to be a military affair that does not have to be judged by the public. Bertell defines some of them as “weather wars”. Use escape to clear. . Paradoxically, the planned system change by reducing energy consumption is undermined today by the plans for a massive development of the most energy-intensive high-tech dimensions in everyday life, which should lead to the digitization of all areas of life, the project of the corresponding “Smart Cities” and the installation of the necessary electromagnetic radiation at 5G level. 10 were here. In 1999 IPCC’s Report of Aviation and Global Atmosphere warned us about the effects of air traffic, but after that the issue went silent, as if a veil was drawn over it. Its goal is no less than to transform the female body that gives birth into a thing that produces everything and can be universally re-produced; it is nothing other than the replacement of the body of the mother with something that is no longer corporal or feminine but machinery that can then be declared as the goal and end of human history. Biologists think that the genes are the basic structure of the human being and that if we can control them, then we can control all the aspects of the human being. Merci![60]. [46] Needless to say, the provision had vanished by COP21. Subsistence and Worldwide Resistance to Corporate Globalization, Zed press, London 2001, pp.15-40, —–: Using, Producing and Replacing Life? Geneticists say that everything is 100% genetic and that the environment affects us 100%. Not too close or too far from our planet’s sun, so that our temperature was just right to support life. COPYRIGHT 2020 – NEWAGORA.CA – WEBSITE CREATED BY: Global WAR-NING! The Movement against Weather and Climate Engineering is now part of the social media and political environment in central Portugal. In 1981, NASA began inducing ionospheric holes to investigate the artificial plasma instabilities and the modification of radio propagation paths. Coinciding with a mass media campaign to discredit claims of ongoing worldwide weather manipulation, there is a public relations campaign aimed at securing acceptance of the need for geoengineering. The World Economic Forum, based in Geneva, Switzerland, is an NGO founded in 1971, in the frame of a private public partnership, “committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”. As it has been said earlier, other than being the financial mechanism for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) and for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), this bank constitutes the largest funding tool in the world, working with IMF, World Bank, BIS, all international institutions, NGOs and the Private Sector. Fosar, Grazyna / Bludorf, Franz: Zaubergesang. 77-year-old Ulla Terkelsen calls herself the world’s oldest TV journalist and has no plans to retire for the time being. ), Trapping air or ocean-currents in the same place for a time to multiply their effects, Provoking the melting of glaciers through applying Extreme Low Frequency, ELF, EM-waves. [27] “Minister pledges probe into chemtrails,”, February 17, 2016. Cauca, Colombia. Suddenly, a kind of “fire tsunami” overwhelmed both regions with flames higher than 30 meters, expanding to 15 km within ten minutes. Let’s suppose that it is and let’s observe reality through this lens. The House commission is tasked to report its findings by April 2, 2018.”. No generator at the location, no generator on each lorry. The same is true for our lives and for humanity. These military experiments continue even into the 21st century, especially with the Naval research into building high altitude artificial clouds well above the level of normal clouds. And that’s all been done in the aid of commerce, because they are now giant organizations making money out of it.[41]. It is time to question patriarchy, which implies domination over all living things; and raw capitalism that requires excessive military force to guard its greedy hoarding of natural resources. The Weather Channel has compiled data provided by multiple third party sources including the World Health Organization, state and local agencies and other public sources as outlined below. Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather? It denies altogether the original rhythm of our Sun-Earth matrix (our star and our planet), that is the alternating lighting of its poles which creates the years and the seasons, our essential natural environment. Yet nobody tells us nor do public institutions officially investigate into the effects those metals cause in the atmosphere (Wigington, 2014) and after having finally reached the ground. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. Heibel, 2017). Russia was carrying on comparable research to increase food production. Moreover, if all citizens were to abstain from meat for a whole year, a total of 22.4 tons of CO2 would be speared. Vilma Rocío Almendra Quiguanás is a native Nasa-Misak from the North of Cauca, Colombia. [61] Catherine Austin Fitts, “Who’s Who & What’s Up in The Space-Based Economy.” The Solari Report, Vol. There is even more to come (s. Relationship between spraying and ionospheric heaters). Climate Change 77:211–219, [3] James Roger Fleming (2010) Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control New York, NY, Columbia University Press. It was these fire tongues, which burnt down my village and others around here.” (translated from Portuguese)[25]. Oaxaca, México. Beyond all secrecy, we must have a right to that! The next morning, we had very dense toxic smog, bright and yellow. Hemp offers a lot of benefits for people’s health, it enriches the soil, and has many other uses. The project’s purpose is to turn the natural order upside down and to establish an unnatural and anti-natural order instead[6]. This new war, unheard of in the history of humankind, is a war that has not necessarily to be officially “declared,” neither in the present nor the future (cf. Did Sagan ignore that actually our congressmen limit themselves to pass laws made by corporations directly involved in science and technologies without any public scrutiny? This disturbance of the ionosphere reduced the total electron content by more than 60% over an area 1000 km in radius that lasted several hours, stopping all radio communication. Enter the Space Fence, the culmination of “Star Wars” SDI began so long ago. Such atrocities would have never had place within a morally healthy United Nations. “O que faz pensar nahipotese de terem sido utilizados químicos inflamáveis e(ou) armas electromagnéticas e o facto de normalmente serem eles que produzem fogos desta violência, e no interior das árvores, pois a seiva é condutora eléctrica..” Buracos de 2-5cm de diâmetro na floresta em todo lado? You, Greta and all those who are moving on with you, have missed the point and unwittingly told the world a lie. Finally, what would happen and is already happening to plants and animals on land, in the oceans and in the air, to our health and the possibilities to use solar energies of all kinds worldwide, when there is no sun sufficiently shining anymore, on the one hand, whereas on the other hand, more cosmic radiation is always entering through the weakened ozone layer of the atmosphere? and of humanity as her children. I hope they will open up their perspective to include the military! Every living cycle, in order to endure, has to constantly keep opposite poles in balance. Your face, Greta, shows it anyway. Many years ago, some thought has been given to this matter. And it did work. International Physicians for Humanitarian Medicine. As seen so far, climate is instrumental for military ends of expansion and dominion but is equally instrumental for global corporate power out of the same reasons. Witness Luis Gregório sent me a video from near Santarem, 100 km away from Pedrogão. This is why Constanza Cuetia insists on stating that. At least four countries – the US, Russia, China, and Israel – possess the technology and organisation to regularly alter weather and geologic events for various military and black operations, which are tied to secondary objectives, including demographic, energy, and agricultural resource management. The so-called “space climate” which has been debated recently, influences the climate on Earth as well (cf. Dec. 2017 (from 1. for example, Doris Wolf: Was war vor den Pharaonen?, Zurich 1994, Kreuz, [8] Cf. Bringing this about will entail a global bailout paid by us (tax and pension funds), the grabbing of land and the monetization of nature at global levels by corporations operating within a corrupted United Nations. 2. Tesla o. D.; Bertell, 2013, p. 239f). After the Second World War, every Western European country had to join NATO to help the “big brother” and put themselves under its “protection”. You want to enforce a policy that benefits neither the Earth nor its weather or climate, but the future and the profits of certain investors and corporations as well as the demolition of social structures and existences that no longer bring any profits. If you work a lot, then privacy is pushed aside and it has costs. For more information, please visit their website. Crutzen. If, for instance, the jet stream is partly moved in one direction, this may have the opposite effect on another part of it. The Security Council shall inform the States Parties of the results of the investigation. Thankfully, thousands of people acted in solidarity immediately and many groups and villages were bringing clothes and food for people and animals. They fail to treat nuclear energy, so cherished by the military, as most life threatening dirty energy, ignoring scientific facts. On the other hand, on land grabbing and femicide, let us look at some data regarding these as we believe they are related issues. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. O’Leary, 2010).
Billig Vinbar København, Italiensk Vejrtjeneste, Kommende Børsnoteringer 2021, Miele Induktion Tilbud, Fleksjobrefusion Indefrosne Feriepenge, Fælles Mål Billedkunst Valgfag,