Jellybean Jones Relatives Appearances En 2013, Warner Bros. obtient les droits d'adaptations des séries de l'éditeur Archie Comics et lance le développement d'un film basé sur le personnage phare de l'éditeur, Archie Andrews, avec le directeur créatif d'Archie Comics, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, au scénario et Jason Moore à la réalisation. Jellybean vive con su madre motociclista en Toledo, donde realizan estafas para poder llegar a fin de mes con dinero. Chapter Three: The Trial of Sabrina Spellman, Chapter Thirteen: The Passion of Sabrina Spellman, Chapter Fifteen: Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror, Chapter Eighteen: The Miracles of Sabrina Spellman, Chapter Thirty-Two: The Imp of the Perverse, Chapter Thirty-Six: At the Mountains of Madness, Chapter One: Once Upon a Time in New York, Chapter Three: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted, Chapter Eight: It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), Chapter Eleven: To Riverdale and Back Again, Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night, Chapter Forty-Eight: Requiem for a Welterweight, Chapter Fifty-Six: The Dark Secret of Harvest House, Chapter Fifty-Nine: Fast Times at Riverdale High, Chapter Seventy-One: How to Get Away with Murder, Chapter Seventy-Eight: The Preppy Murders, ‘Riverdale’ Adds Gina Gershon As Jughead’s Mom In Season Three – New York Comic Con - Deadline, J.B. Moranville Dies: Line Producer On CW’s ‘Riverdale’ Also Worked On ‘Dynasty’ & ‘MacGyver’, Jellybean Jones pourrait bientôt débarquer dans la saison 2 ou la saison 3 de Riverdale. ... Jellybean Jones. Jellybean Jones, la petite soeur de Jughead, est-elle derrière l’envoi des cassettes à Riverdale ? Born Yahoo Search. Personajes de la temporada 3 de Riverdale, Chapter Eleven: To Riverdale and Back Again, Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night, Chapter Forty-Eight: Requiem for a Welterweight, Chapter Fifty-Six: The Dark Secret of Harvest House, Now, as a preteen, her hair is light brown, but her build is still slim and short as she hasn't reached her adult height. The story climaxed with Jellybean's birth in Jughead#50. She prefers to be called "JB", a possible reference to. 131.8k Followers, 25 Following, 278 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Riverdale (@riverdalelove) Nombre Jellybean's relationship with her brother, Jughead remains vague given that she and Jughead were separated by their mother's move to Toledo to stay with their grandparents. FP Jones (padre)Gladys Jones (madre)Jughead Jones (hermano)Charles Smith (medio-hermano) [Source]. Jellybean es la hermana menor de Jughead Jones y la hija de Gladys y FP Jones. Occupation Relationships Información Personal Jughead also thinks very highly of his sister and mentions her several times, such as when he told Sierra McCoy about their family's trips to the Twilight Drive-In. The Auteur is Jughead's little sister, Jellybean Jones. Jellybean Jones is a recurring character on The CW's Riverdale. Parece ser una niña muy obediente ya que tiende a hacer lo que su madre le pida. Longterm Riverdale fans will know that Jellybean grew up in Riverdale … Jellybean lives with her biker mom in Toledo where they run scams to make ends meet. Riverdale is a television series for The CW/Netflix, based on characters from Archie Comics. 13 años Et si c’était le frère de Cole Sprouse, Dylan, qui jouait le rôle dans la série à succès de la CW ? Jellybean Jones Since then, the threat of the Auteur has only gotten bigger and now, with Season 5's latest episode, the identity of the villain is revealed -- only it's not who we expected at all. Gladys Jones es un personaje recurrente en Riverdale. Los protagonistas de 'Riverdale' se han enfrentado a todo tipo de maldades en las cuatro temporadas de la serie, desde sectas y juegos sádicos a asesinos encapuchados. During the 1990s an attempt to reinvent Jughead Jones's character was started through a story in which Jughead's mother unexpectedly becomes pregnant. Femenino First Appearance They appear to be friendly towards each other. Unlike her brother, Jughead, she is not as close to her father and resents him for being distant after the separation of her parents. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. Todas tus series en FormulaTV. Aparece en Elle voulait être appelée "JB", au lieu de Jellybean parce qu'elle pensait que ça sonnait plus cool. Archieverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Later that night, when Archie mentions that he used to date Hiram's daughter, Jellybean takes this to mean that Archie is now single, exposing the obvious fact that she has a crush on Archie. Last Appearance She went with their mother while Jughead stayed behind with their father. Primera Aparición De quoi donner libre cours à l’imagination des fans de la série, à la recherche du Voyeur de la ville. Student And like mother like daughter: Jellybean — who goes by JB now — is quite the little con artist herself.[1]. When Jellybean was younger, she and her family would spend a lot of time at the Twilight Drive-In, however, they often could not afford tickets for everyone, so the kids would hide in the trunk until they parked. By the way, Jellybean wants to go with JB now. Ocupación Relaciones Chapter Forty-Three: Outbreak Archieverse Wiki es una comunidad FANDOM en TV. El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo. Jellybean was officially named Forsythia after her older brother, whose real name is Forsythe. También es un miembro muy respetado de las Serpientes de Toledo. Riverdale est une série télévisée américaine développée par Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa et diffusée depuis le 26 janvier 2017[1] sur le réseau The CW. Alive Y al igual que su madre como, Jellybean, que ahora se hace llamar JB es conocida como la pequeña estafadora. Apodo Jellybean Jones Fans have been speculating on who will be playing Jughead’s younger sister Jellybean Jones in the series. Trinity Likins Es una persona que siempre acierta y tiene una actitud sensata. This was published in a special storyline called "Jughead's Baby Tales". Throw out your Bret Weston Wallace theories, people: This is the real deal. Jellybean is played by actress Trinity Rose Likins on Riverdale, who is a mere 12-years-old and has appeared in Hallmark movie Christmas in the Air … Actor Jellybean's alarming behavior led FP to take her back to Toledo to be with her mother. The perfect Riverdale JellyBean JbJones Animated GIF for your conversation. Il a fait remarquer que "… JB (by herself, Jughead and Gladys)Jellybelly (by FP)The Auteur She thinks it sounds cooler.She's 10 years old and listens to Pink Floyd on vinyl, I don't think she could get any cooler. In the Riverdale TV series, Reggie's father's name has been changed to "Marty". She is portrayed by Trinity Likins. Estado Unnamed Maternal GrandparentsUnnamed Paternal GrandmotherForsythe Pendleton Jones I (paternal grandfather)FP Jones (father)Gladys Jones (mother)Jughead Jones (brother)Charles Smith (half-brother) via tumblr . Rowan is young in the face, but a few people would love to see a slightly aged up Jellybean. Toledo Serpents Estudiante She is an assertive individual and has a no-nonsense attitude due to her tough upbringing. JB (Gladys y Jughead)Jellybelly (FP)Princesa Jellybean (Ricky , Kurt y Gryphons y Gargoyles) Five more episodes aired after that before the show went on its winter hiatus, And despite Jellybean being part of Jughead’s family and living in the same house as their dad, FP, her sudden disappearance hasn't been explained or even addressed. Jellybean is portrayed by Trinity Likins, a 12-year-old actress in her first major role. Jughead dislikes the name in any form, and continues th… En effet, une bonne partie de la série, on ne voit quasiment pas Gladys en raison de son éloignement. Plusieurs idées sont alors explorés, dont la possibilité de faire un film mettant e… Vicky Mantle [ edit ] Very little is known of Reggie's mother Vicky Mantle—she has appeared only a few times, such as in Archie's Pals and Gals #108, and when she does, she is usually only a background character. Lleva tu comunidad favorita contigo y no te pierdas de nada. As a child, she was slim and short with medium-length black hair and brown eyes. La réponse va se faire attendre, puisqu’on apprenait ce jeudi 14 mai que la série ne reviendra pas avant 2021. Jellybean is the younger sister of Jughead Jones and the daughter of Gladys and FP Jones. After returning to Riverdale and reuniting with her father and brother, Jellybean and Jughead began to grow close, so much so that when she feared of losing him after he was accepted into Stonewall Prep, Jellybean became the Voyeur, and later the Auteur, in hopes that this latest investigation would keep him from leaving town. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Le couple F.P Jones et Gladys Jones est un vieux couple de Riverdale. "Chapter Seventy-Nine: Graduation" While Riverdale tends to play by fever dream rules, there are concrete facts about Jellybean's potential involvement with the tapes that are simply too hard to ignore. Lisa será quien se encuentre con las chicas de la ficción juvenil 'Riverdale' en un nuevo episodio de 'Los Simpsons'. Status On sait très peu de choses à son sujet mais si elle est aussi cool que son frère, on devrait vite l’apprécier. She's a bit closer in age to what Riverdale's Jellybean has been described as. Riverdale saison 5 : Vanessa Morgan a pris la parole contre les scénaristes de Riverdale et cela pourrait marquer la fin de "Choni". Jellybean Jones es uno de los personajes recurrentes de la serie Riverdale durante la tercera temporada. Jellybean seems to be very close to her brother, even mocking his arrival to her mother's garage albeit demanding another Serpent to let him through the gates with Archie. Viva She also appears to be a very obedient child as shown when she informed her mother she did exactly as she told her to do with her father, stating that she had succeeded in having FP wrapped around her fingers. Yahoo Search Búsqueda en la Web. Y al igual que su madre como, Jellybean, que ahora se hace llamar JB es conocida como la pequeña estafadora. Conoce a todos los personajes de Riverdale y a los actores que los interpretan. También es miembro de las Serpientes de Toledo. Trinity Likins, Actress: Riverdale. Ahora, como pre-adolescente, su cabello es marrón claro, y sigue manteniendo su figura delgada y de estatura baja, ya que no ha alcanzado aún la adultez. Es sabia más allá de sus años, y sus bandas favoritas son Pink Floyd y Black Sabbath. Trinity Likins is an actress, known for Riverdale (2017), Unspeakable (2019) and Christmas in the Air (2017). Jellybean Jones is played by newcomer Trinity Rose Likins and she first appeared in Riverdale last night. Before Jellybean came into the light as the potential mastermind behind the tapes, a few other characters also seemed like potential suspects. Elle est partie vivre à Toledo avec leur fille Jelly Bean laissant F.P et Jughead Jones à Riverdale. Is wise beyond her years, and her favorite bands are Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath. It is known that she likes Pink Floyd and movie theaters, much like her older brother. RIVERDALE season 3 has been confirmed by The CW for October. Dafne Keen. 2006/2007 (age: 13-14) Género Jellybean was born and raised in Riverdale alongside her older brother Jughead. She is also a member of the Toledo Serpents, as well as a junior mechanic, as she was shown working under a car in her mothers compound of old car parts. Alias(es) Es interpretada por la actriz Trinity Likins. Episodio 5x02 Il segreto di jellybean (Chapter Seventy-Eight: The Preppy Murders) della serie Riverdale stagione 5. trasmesso Giovedì 11 Marzo 2021 su Premium Stories in Italia De niña, fue delgada y de estatura baja, con cabello negro de longitud media y ojos marrones. It turned out, the auteur's identity wasn't as strange as their motive, which was revealed when Jughead explained why Jellybean made those videotapes on Riverdale. Jellybean vive con su madre motociclista en Toledo, donde realizan estafas para poder llegar a fin de mes con dinero. Es sabia más allá de sus años, y sus bandas favoritas son Pink Floyd y Black Sabbath. "Chapter Forty-Three: Outbreak" Forsythia "Jellybean" Jones is a recent addition to the Archie comics continuity. When Jughead reunites with Jellybean, she also meets Archie. Edad Jellybean a été brièvement vue sur une vieille photographie de Jughead, quand il quittait le Twilight Drive-in, pour la dernière fois. En plus du frère caché de Betty, on devrait également voir « Jellybean » (Forsythia de son vrai nom), la petite sœur de Jughead, débarquer dans la saison 2 de Riverdale. RD-Caps-5x03-Graduation-64-Tom-Jellybean-Jughead-Alice.png. Jughead a mentionné avoir parlé avec Jellybean au téléphone. Warning: Spoilers for Riverdale Season 4 follow. Primera aparición Jellybean was born and raised in Riverdale alongside her older brother Jughead. Riverdale:Temporada 3 She is the daughter of Gladys and FP Jones, the leader of the Southside Serpents. A diferencia de su hermano, Jughead, ella no es tan cercana a su padre y lo resiente por estar distante después de que éste se separara de su mujer. Configuración Later, when Archie is attacked by Penny Peabody, Jellybean saves him by shooting Penny in the head with her slingshot. Familia Ella es la madre de Jughead y Jellybean Jones, así como la esposa separada de FP Jones. Así como una mecánica junior, ya que se le mostró trabajando debajo de un automóvil en el recinto de su madre compuesto por piezas de automóviles viejos. Ella es interpretada por Gina Gershon. She could definitely pass for FP's kid, so there's a win. Honestly, I would start paying attention to Trinity ASAP because this kid is about to be everywhere. Biographical Information The last time Jellybean appeared on Riverdale was the Season 4 Halloween episode in October 2019. After Fred Andrews fired her father and he began drinking heavily, Jellybean and her mother went to live with Jellybean's grandparents in Toledo where she started to go by J.B. instead. Cependant, il demeure atypique. Set in the present, the series offers a bold, subversive take on Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and their friends, exploring the surreality of small-town life — the darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome façade. Affiliation Dafne had a role in 2017's Logan.
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